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The great world of literature has been an exploration of mine since I was old enough to read... which oddly came before I could actually write. Pictures and images, vivid stories of the unknown, right down to the children books like Five Chinese Brothers (now an ethical fopar for reasons of racial inequality). Such a shame... but as I stared into the abyss of good literature, I also grew an inherent knack for being generally upset with endings. Instead I imagined a world where there was no ending, just new beginnings... where the circle of life wasn't just a theme song in a popular Disney movie.

This work is for the fun and support from loyal readers and first-timers alike, in no way are any of these articles posted here to represent actual people or occurences unless documented otherwise in the synopsis. Any similarities are coincidental, and can be brought to my attention immediately if in violation of copyright laws.


For more information, contact the Author directly via the CONTACT page provided, including possible custom-made offers for customers and enthusiasts alike.

© 2016 by Jersey Devil Publishing

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